Just upgraded to Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope and love it; best distro so far by a long way. Used to have all kinds of keyboard problems using my Microsoft Natural Keyboard when using synergy but they seem to have fixed pretty much all of them: the most annoying was the right-hand shift key not working.
Still had problems with synergy not passing though the @ key - kept getting an OMEGA sign Ω instead, although the keyboard plugged into the Ubuntu machine works with the @ key just fine. Managed to find a fix using xmodmap: xmodmap -e "keycode 24 = q Q at at at at" sorted it but had to do this every time.
Adding "keycode 24 = q Q at at at at" (without the quotes) to .xmodmaprc in my home directory meant that at the next startup Jaunty asked me if I wanted to load the xmodmap file, choosing to add it and not display that message next time means that it loads on startup every time.
being the mostly inane ramblings of me with occasional bouts of lucidity and flashes of genius also plagiarised useful stuff
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1 comment:
This has been bugging me for ages. Assumed it would have to be fixed in Synergy rather than using another xmodmap. Genius! Thank you so much!
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