Friday, October 26, 2007

Emergency Zombie Defence Station

I like a good zombie film as much as the next person; unfortunately the next person happens to be a little obsessed with zombies. I occasionally get dragged into discussions with him like: "what would you do if a zombie came through the door right now?" or "a zombie army is shuffling down the main road and about to turn into our street, what do you do?".

Well now I have an answer: reach for the Emergency Zombie Defence Station which is WAY better than the "In Case of Zombie, Break Glass" found on techeblog.

Marvel at its awesome-ness (scroll about half-way down for the sign, which is my favourite bit) and remember, "only you can stop the Zombie outbreak!"

The guy has also posted the stencil he used to make the shield and the sign both on photobucket

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Cool Colour Stereograms

I absolutely love stereograms ever since I "saw" my first one about 12 years ago. I actually find them easier to "see" on a computer screen than on paper.
Here are some cool ones I just discovered:

Windows 10 Start Menu disappeared

Recently noticed (after a Windows 10 Update) that my st6art menu had disappeared and the Cortana search was retuinring results but not letti...